Policy for Safety                                                


S & H Steel Co. has a commitment to the health and safety of its employees, the community, and the environment. S & H steel Co. has well over 40 years in experience in the steel fabrication & erection business. Maintaining the health, safety and training of each employee is the priority mission statement for S & H steel Co.

It is the purpose of S & H Steel Co. is to comply with all the State & Federal OSHA standards. In addition to these laws are the written policies, procedures, and training of S & H Steel Co. employees. It may be necessary that we have to adopt certain safety policies and practices of the general contractor.

The creation and maintenance of the safe working environment requires the interest, cooperation, and dedication of every employee in our organization. S & H steel Co. safety program with goals set by upper management along with training, communication, audits and reviewing of such goals will maintain a safe work environment.  A safe work environment only exists when all employees observe safety procedures as an integral part of every work procedure.

 We acknowledge our obligation to provide our employees with a place of employment that is free of recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical injuries. The responsibility for safe operation of each department and/or field crew rests with the supervisor in charge.

It is also the responsibility of each employee to accept and comply with all training, safety and health standards, policies & procedures regulations and instructions that are applicable to their own actions and conduct.

Working safely is a condition of employment.